VR Conference 2016 Berlin

The conference begins at 10 am and ends at 5 pm. Infos on the venue and about the tickets here.


Morning:  Speakers

  1. Lili Blumers (arte.fr)  – On „Notes on Blindness: Into Darkness“

An immersive virtual reality (VR) project based on John’s sensory and psychological experience of blindness” Link

  1. Michael Geidel @miriquidifilm – “Story development for VR”   

Based on experiences gathered during the development of a photogrammetry-enhanced full VR game and while shooting a VR fiction film this summer, there will be insights offered and feedback gathered on ongoing productions. Also, there will be demos and trailers.

  1. Thomas Seymat @tseymat – “Euronews 360”

“Euronews is aiming to fully incorporate 360° journalism videos into its regular news production workflow. Thomas Seymat, who coordinates this immersive journalism project, will share euronews’ experience on how to adapt a news organisation to this medium, from shooting to publishing, including challenges and solutions to overcome them.”

  1. Maren Demant @maren_demant – “Immersive Theatre and Storytelling in VR”

Demant will talk about one of her current projects: a VR story on different identities. She will focus on storytelling aspects and offers insights for VR journalists

  1. Michael Stoll (Link) – “VR for journalistic information graphics”

Stoll intends to evaluate the potential of VR for journalistic information graphics against the most prominent methods used in static, interactive and explorable information graphics today.

  1. Lukas Ondreka @ondreka – 360 videos at Sueddeutsche Zeitung

Ondreka offers insights into 360 productions at Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Afternoon: HANDS-ON Sessions

– A100 VR – Link

A “walkable infographic” on a planned motorway in Berlin.

– CIR/VRagments

A 3 episodes VR mini-series on the Jehovah’s Witness community.


On  interactivity in 360° Virtual Reality and what are its implication – Link

— VR Journalism Hackathon

Learnings from the Hackathon – Link

—  IntoVR presents its works – Link

The conference begins at 10 am and ends at 5 pm. Infos on the venue and about the tickets here.


Linda Rath-Wiggins (@Lynda420) is a media researcher and VR-enthusiast. She works for the Deutsche Welle Innovation team and is a co-founder of VR startup VRagments

Frédéric Dubois (@fredericdubois) is the founder of Reportero, a studio for interactive narratives. He is also editor of the Internet Policy Review.

Lorenz Matzat (@lorz) is the founder of the software company Lokaler Infosystems. He works in data journalism, VR and writes the blog vrjournalist.de


The VR Conference for Journalism & Documentary is that one day in the year where narrative pioneers come together in Berlin. VR enthusiasts, journalists, interactive documentary makers, early technology adopters and other non-fiction storytellers meet to share experiences, seek inspiration and head back home feeling ‘virtually real’. The conference is self-organised and all costs are covered by ticket sales. The talks of the first conference in 2015 can be found here.